The many sounds of the guitar: from Bach to the present day



Tommy Dupuis, Classical guitar

Originally from the Montérégie region, Tommy Dupuis invites you to celebrate the sonority of the classical guitar through African-, Balkan-, and South American-inspired pieces, arrangements, and innovative techniques. Discover a vast musical universe with a repertoire that ranges from Bach to Chopin to Brouwer and includes original works by Canadian composers written especially for Tommy.


November 4 to December 17, 2024



Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750)
Violin Partita No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1004
I. Allemande

Leo BROUWER (born 1939)

In memoriam Toru Takemitsu by Leo Brouwer
Authorised by Ediciones Espiral Eterna



Touring artist for the JM Canada’s 2024–2025 Emerging Artists Concerts Tour, master’s student with scholarship at the world-renowned Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University with famous professor Manuel Barrueco, and Research Funds of Quebec grantee, the classical guitarist Tommy Dupuis had an astounding past three years despite the pandemic. He appeared in Concerts Lachine’s podcast, in the JM Canada’s concert series Moments musicaux, in many Quebec halls, performances in music festivals in Koblenz and Iserlohn in Germany, and the Guitar Foundation of America in New York; Tommy Dupuis’s intention of becoming an international touring guitarist is obvious and unstoppable.
His out-of-the-ordinary musical expressivity was spotted early on in his career. Only three years after picking up classical guitar, he was voted favourite in the prestigious Canadian Music Competition 2020, he was the laureate of many local competitions, and received over fifteen grants including five from the JM Canada Foundation.
The extraordinary journey of classical guitarist Tommy Dupuis began at the Cégep de Drummondville when he undertook a double Diploma of College Studies program in Health Sciences and Jazz guitar interpretation. After falling in love with classical guitar, he decided to dedicate himself entirely to music at the School of Music of Sherbrooke University.

The many sounds of the guitar: from Bach to the present day    The many sounds of the guitar: from Bach to the present day    The many sounds of the guitar: from Bach to the present day


*JM Canada reserves the right to modify the repertoire without prior notice.

Online brochures
  • Brochure Young Audiences concerts, workshops and school outings
  • Joseph-Rouleau Hall 2024-2025
  • Brochure Jeune Public 25-26
  • Digital Ballads