The Foundation


Founded on November 16, 1984, the JM Canada Foundation is a charitable organization whose mission is to raise, create and administer funds in order to :

  1. Support the mission of JM Canada: to promote the discovery of various types of classical music among young audiences and to support the development of young classical musicians on the national stage.
  2. Support the career development of young Canadian musicians.



The Foundation intends to work in synergy with JM Canada and be on of their financial catalysts, enabling them to maintain their artistic activities and develop new projects, while ensuring the sustainability of both organizations.

The Foundation intends to become a reference in terms of the assistance it provides to the next generation of young Canadian classical musicians in their career development.


Organizational values

  1. Transparency and accountability: Through its actions and gestures, the JM Canada Foundation ensures responsible and rigorous management of its mission.
  2. Commitment : The JM Canada Foundation is committed to supporting JM Canada financially in a transparent, collaborative and constructive manner.
    The JM Canada Foundation is committed to actively and dynamically supporting the next generation of young Canadian musicians in their career development.
  3. Leadership: The Foundation shines within the Quebec and Canadian community through its support of the cultural sector.


Who are the JM Canada ?

Online brochures
  • Brochure Young Audiences concerts, workshops and school outings
  • Joseph-Rouleau Hall 2024-2025