
Using the Jeunesses Musicales Canada logo

Jeunesses Musicales Canada is the exclusive owner of the logo, and as such, can allow or restrict its use.

The Jeunesses Musicales Canada logo must be present on all communication media highlighting concerts, events and workshops presented by Jeunesses Musicales Canada.

The logo must be used as such and should in no way be modified.

Please mention clearly whether the concert is a Jeunesses Musicales Canada production or a coproduction with another organization. For example: “The concert The Story of Babar, the Little Elephant is a Jeunesses Musicales Canada production.”

When mentioning Jeunesses Musicales Canada in a text, please write Jeunesses Musicales Canada (not JMC or JM Canada).

Please send your artwork for approval at least 7 days before publication to Erin Whittaker, Head of Communications at


Online brochures
  • Brochure Young Audiences concerts, workshops and school outings
  • Joseph-Rouleau Hall 2024-2025
  • Digital Ballads